Sunday, April 24, 2011

Yet another good doctor

   When my oncologist, Dr. Chris Perkins, recommended I see a dermatologist to ensure I didn't have any skin issues going on, I wasn't happy. This was a suggestion during my routine 3-month checkup. But good dermatologists are difficult to find in Fresno. Believe me, I had tried before and wasn't happy with what I heard about any of them, except for one.
    I stalled for awhile. Probably a couple of months. At my next visit to my plastic surgeon, Dr. Carl Askren, I told him I needed a good dermatologist. He recommended the same doctor everyone recommends. Dr. Tashjian. That's who he'd go to. I told him I had already tried to get in to see him, but they had informed me he wasn't taking on new patients.
   Dr. Askren offered to see what he could do to get me in. Within days, I had an appointment. This is what good doctors do for you. They work with you and for you.
   Of course, my luck being my luck, he found some pre-cancerous spots on my nose and I've been going through some minor treatment that's only bad in the way it makes you look for awhile. A red nose full of spots for a couple of weeks followed by some cortisone treatment. It's been about 3 weeks. I still have the spots, but they are slowing disappearing.
   I will tell you he's, without hesitation, the best dermatologist in town. He spends time with you. And as everyone knows, you'll never get in at your scheduled time. They have the call-ahead plan, which works just fine. But I'd rather wait and have a good experience, than be rushed through an exam that leaves me feeling like I never really saw the doctor.
   So, I've happily added another good doctor to my list of great Fresno physicians. And I've taken care of what could have been another bout with cancer.

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